Barche Rosse, 2022
Oil on canvas
47 x 32 inches | 120 x 80 cm
Riccardo Gusmaroli’s work as an architectural photographer influences his artistic production, in fact in many of his works we find the theme of photography, which is often revisited and transformed, almost until the image disappears, covered with a thousand signs and subtle colored strokes, to then reappear as an almost sculptural plastic form.
Gusmaroli is known for his signature "whirlwinds of boats" on canvas, depicting imaginary journeys with intricate routes. His art explores themes of travel, with paper folded into objects that evoke a sense of movement and lightness, highlighting the interplay of light and shadow, fullness and emptiness, and action and non-action.
The freedom with which it ranges in the choice of materials and surfaces is surprising, but not random: the stamps, maps, maps and whirlwinds of white-on-white boats, which reproduce imaginary journeys with impossible routes, are the result of associations, sensations and connections arising from the materials themselves.
Rhythm is the common trait of all his works, this helps to redesign and redefine a new world, where art is once again the only vehicle of communication.